Climate Change AR/VR : Week 9 updates
The following sections will highlight the progress in the domain of Scanning and VR.
A team visited the Natural History Museum to determine which diorama’s to scan next. During this visit the team interacted with the resident Paleontologist and Taxidermist. They provided a background on the climate changes associated with the various diorams’s.
The team created a computuer generation of the caribou’s environment. The cropped point cloud caribou was then placed in this environment and the entire scene was experienced in unity vr.
The size of the point cloud data coupled with the plugin inefficiency causes rendering issues in VR. Dynamic components such as moving grass is also difficult to render.
Next Steps
The action items for the next week.
Render the Caribou Diorama in Unreal for VR.
Insert a fly Asset into the VR scence. This fly has dynamic motion and sound.
Create an AR tabletop animal rendering with environment effects.
Create a forest portal in AR.